Where does Blackbutt timber come from?

Eucalyptus pilularis, commonly known as blackbutt, is a common and dominant tree native to southeastern Australia. A large tree, it is identified by the stocking of rough bark, to about halfway up the trunk, above this is a white smooth bark.

What is Blackbutt timber used for?

Blackbutt is a very versatile hardwood timber and is used for structural, exterior and interior applications. In New South Wales it is very popular for timber framing, cladding, internal and external flooring, decking, joinery, landscaping and furniture.

What Colour is Blackbutt timber?

Blackbutt has an even texture. The grain can be interlocked but it is generally straight. The heartwood ranges from golden yellow to pale brown, although occasionally a slight pinkish colour may be present.

Is Blackbutt termite resistant?

The sapwood is not susceptible to lyctine borer attack. Blackbutt timber is termite resistant.

Structural Grades & Durability

The durability above ground is Class 1 with a life expectancy of over 40 years. Durability in-ground is Class 2 – with a life expectancy of 15 to 25 years. Blackbutt is very durable and hard wearing with a Janka rating at 9.1 and up to F27 Structural rating.

Unseasoned F14/F17/F22
Seasoned F22/F27
Toughness (Nm)  
Green Medium
Dry Medium